Jesus Told His servant, "pray this Chaplet of Unity under My Sovereign Kingship."

The Chaplet is recited on ordinary rosary beads. Groups may divide the recitation between Leader (L.) and Responders (R). If you are alone recite both parts. Recite on the large bead before each of five decades:

L - God our Heavenly Father, through Your Son Jesus, our Victim-High Priest, True Prophet, and Sovereign King,

R - Pour forth the Power of Your Holy Spirit Upon us and Open our Hearts. In Your Great Mercy, through the Motherly Mediation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Queen, Forgive our Sinfulness, Heal our Brokenness, and Renew our Hearts in the Faith, and Peace, and Love, and Joy of Your Kingdom, that we may be One in You.

Recite on the ten small beads of each of five decades:

L - Dear Lord Jesus, In Your Great Mercy,

R - Forgive our Sinfulness, Heal our Brokenness, and Renew our Hearts that we may be One in You.

Conclude in unison with:

Hear, O Israel! The Lord Our God is One God!

O Jesus, King of All Nations, May Your Reign Be Recognized On Earth!

Mary, Our Mother and Mediatrix of All Graces, Pray and Intercede For Us Your Children!

St. Michael, Great Prince and Guardian of Your People, Come With The Holy Angels and Saints and Protect Us!

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