Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of October 17, 1996

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 132

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones as you strive to do God's will I ask you not to focus on yourself but on God's love.
When you give, give with simplicity.
Simplicity helps you keep the right attitude of freedom.
It is the key to humility and allows you to be submissive to God's will.
When you give, give generously.
Do not seek to satisfy your own appetite for pleasure.
There are many souls in need of mercy and love.
Material wealth is limited and brief in this world but interior wealth is everlasting.
Being merciful is priceless.
It is the foundation of all good works.
Simplicity, humility and mercy are good seeds which will yield hundredfold.
I love you little children and desire good fruits to unfold through your works.
Give to Jesus what so many others refuse: your faith, your heart, your love.
Aspire with all of your hearts to more generosity, more simplicity, more love for Jesus and you will receive abundant graces for the salvation of humankind.
He will not refuse you what you ask Him humbly and with faith.
I bless you in His name.
Thank you for responding to My call.

(Our Lady took everyone's petition and blessed everyone and especially the priests.)

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