Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of September 19, 1996

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 129

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, trust in the power and endless richness of God's word, which goes well beyond exegetical schemes.
Do not lose hope.
In all your endeavors hope in silence for the virtue of love to unfold.
Cooperate with God's grace in obedience, faith, hope and charity.
I am your guide to hope in the Paschal mystery.
It is your hope in the resurrection that you will understand the meaning of suffering and death.
Hope is an infused Grace which you need to live.
Do not look at the events of tomorrow, but focus on today.
Focus on this moment, and praise God for His wondrous works of love.
Little children, hope in Jesus beyond all hope.
What hope is there in this life for the person without God? Death becomes a limit which puts an end to a mediocre life.
But the person who hopes in My Son is receptive to His goodness and love which He gives.
He will protect you and teach you His way to holiness.
Deep faith and hope are necessary to understand what is beyond the understanding of ordinary people.
I love you, little children and I take your petitions to My Son who dissipates all uneasiness and burdens by the light of His divine love.
Thank you for responding to My call.

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