Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland

The Rock

Our Lady's Message of March 7, 1996

Through Gianna Talone Sullivan

My Dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, pray with all your hearts and all your strength for peace in the world.
If the people would heed My Son's call He would subdue their foes.
There is a great deal of division in the world from vices of bitterness, hatred and the desire for power.
Nation is turning against nation and the people are following their own designs instead of following God.
They have become stubborn and have closed their hearts to receive love.
They have placed contingencies on living peacefully with their fellow countrymen.
Peace can only exist when the desire for self gain is set aside and openness to live in harmony supercedes the desire to gain power.
If mankind continues to reject God's love and block His assistance by closing their hearts then God will allow the people to live in their own designs.
God is patient and will wait for His people to return to Him.
It is the people who have chosen not to allow God to free them from their own slavery.
My little ones, it is necessary to put aside your pride and forgive those who have caused you pain.
Do not seek revenge or justice, for evil begets evil.
Ask God to Change YOU.
Forget the past.
Do not harbor feelings of bitterness and resentments.
Strive to live in unity.
Ask God to help you and restore peace within you and the world.
I desire peace for you and this world.
Pray, little ones, pray.
I bless you in the name of Jesus.

Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.

Message 105

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