April 1, 1999
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan

No public message - Holy Thursday

April 8, 1999 (237)
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

Blessed be God forever! My Son died once and for all for the salvation of mankind. He continues to bear the weight of your sins. He looks to you for your love. He gives graces in accordance to His expectations. My Son will never ask of you more than what you can handle and He gives you the grace to carry out His designs. Do not be afraid to labor for the sake of love.

Difficulties are certain to arise but will also make you more perfect in virtue. Be holy, little children. Do not risk the virtues you have received by not practicing them. Lift your sight to what is above. Your vision must be to seek holiness and to utilize the graces God gifts to you.

To receive the grace is not sufficient enough. It is necessary to fervently practice every good deed and perform your duties in God's light of love. You then will grow in holiness and strengthen your virtues. You can do all things in Jesus. He will strengthen you and give you peace.

Prepare yourselves, little children, to receive great virtues from God in a spirit of sacrifice. Be patient and steadfast. Purification precedes great graces.

I bless you and take your petitions to Jesus. Peace be with you. Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.

April 15, 1999 (238)
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

Pray, little ones, for peace in the world, peace in the family and peace in your souls. The battle between good and evil has commenced. You must be a soldier of Christ and pray, pray, pray! There is tremendous pain and suffering in the world and the evil one has plans only to intensify the sufferings.

God is with you, little children, even though it may seem heaven has closed the gate of God's mercy. Jesus is with you. He died for each one of you. He loves you. Justice will prevail and the righteousness of God will slay evil. Be on guard! Silence from God does not indicate defeat. When you think you are safe and secure, the enemy strikes. So too is it with God. You do not know the time or hour.

Always remain close to My Son. Submerge yourself into His Most Sacred Heart and hide within His wounds. There you will be safe. When the evil one thinks he has conquered the world, the righteousness of God will destroy him and all the effects of evil in a flash of a moment.

Pray, little children, for all peoples. Pray that all will come to love Jesus and desire peace. Tensions are certain to intensify around the world before the new dawn is met with God's mercy and justice. Join Me in loving all people and performing works of mercy. God will not abandon you.

I thank Him for allowing Me to be here with you. Peace to you. I take your petitions to My Son whose blessings rest upon you.

Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.

April 22, 1999 (239)
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

Pay attention you do not become presumptuous children in thinking God's favor rests upon you. Be humble children of God's light and join me in prayer for peace. Bow your heads in humility and be grateful to be a child of God.

It is very important to pray for enlightenment of God's truth and to perform works of love and mercy. God listens to the simple hearted and closes His heaven to the proud. He will answer you as you are speaking if you are genuinely humble. He will answer your call.

Please join me in prayer, little children, and seek to be instruments of peace instead of violence and love instead of hatred. Mercy is the way to salvation. Jesus loves you. Please do not reject Him.

I take all your petitions to My Son who has granted me this time to bring you words of hope and guide you in ways of mercy. I bless you in His name.

Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.

April 29, 1999 (240)
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

Continue to hope, little children, for a future filled with peace and joy. Pray with Me to God the Father on behalf of all the precious souls who have suffered by acts of violence and hatred. Comfort those who grieve and mourn and do not give up hope.

Jesus is merciful and He will not depart from you. He will give you the strength and the courage to persevere during these troubling times. He knows each one of you and His Divine Mercy and compassion will save you. Meet each day in a spirit of love. Live each moment to the best of your ability with peace of heart. Please do not try to understand the ways of God but trust in His love with childlike confidence. Follow the way that Jesus, My Son, walked for you.

I love you all, little children, and desire to gather all children into my mantle to keep them safe from the hands of the evil one. Be children of the light with loving hearts. Love will silence the effects of evil. I bless you in the name of Jesus and I take your petitions to Him.

Peace be with you.

Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.

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Comments and/or corrections - Thomas P. Burkhardt

To be added to the weekly mailing list:Edmund Koenke